When looking up artists by a foreign ID, sometimes the Rosetta Stone ID that comes back is not the same as the one that was searched on. Is this expected behavior? If so, why?
Here is an example... There are two separate artists both known as "DJ Red" at Discogs, with IDs 234052 and 2113. But if I get the artist profile for 234052 using this URL:
...the foreign ID for discogs:artist in the response is 2113, which is for the other DJ Red. Obviously I don't need to rely on the discogs:artist foreign ID in the response since it's what I used in the query itself, but it does make me wonder why this happens. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here is the JSON response for the example URL above:
"response": {
"status": {
"version": "4.2",
"code": 0,
"message": "Success" },
"artist": {
"foreign_ids": [
"catalog": "facebook",
"foreign_id": "facebook:artist:34857892234" },
"catalog": "discogs",
"foreign_id": "discogs:artist:2113" },
"catalog": "musicbrainz",
"foreign_id": "musicbrainz:artist:24726fb0-8d0d-4a8f-b9dc-1e4737374b3a" },
"catalog": "spotify",
"foreign_id": "spotify:artist:3XEPQq3fgckDxHpHhOf9DM" }
"id": "ARU80DS1187B98A74C",
"name": "DJ Red" }