-Because i am a new to echonest, so i want to ask some question after a long time reading document from Echonest and Spotif!
-My problem is, I want to search for a single songs ( or many single songs in a array). and Echonest wil return me a Spotify ID in a foreign_ID.And then I can use this Spotify_ID to continue searching for a desired song in Spotify library.
-In this example this returns Tracks : http://developer.echonest.com/api/v4/song/search?api_key=API_KEY&format=json&results=1&artist=the%20Carpenters&title=top%20of%20the%20world&bucket=id:spotify&bucket=tracks
-Returs in brief:
...{"foreign_release_id": "spotify:album:0RZyZDffrtXVREHqoREIuA", "catalog": "spotify", "foreign_id": "spotify:track:4VdTKWly7revQ8VoncG43z", "id": "TRUBERV144D15243BC"}, {"foreign_release_id": "spotify:album:3jMQ6qZZASytoRwVBSRou9", "catalog": "spotify", "foreign_id": "spotify:track:3NG65ZHLpDHQrEPMbqIhbS", "id": "TRRIMLE144D120B851"}, {"foreign_release_id": "spotify:album:5PzGOu1yBtxDc7n8Dc0Oed", "catalog": "spotify", "foreign_id": "spotify:track:48Xjc1yYvAYikRHQxdyERF", "id": "TRBFCHA147B6E38122"}, {"foreign_release_id": "spotify:album:0AictFxEiiyOtuZ9S2PnnD", "catalog": "spotify", "foreign_id": "spotify:track:4lEJYHkieQi5LfyFrN5bel", "id": "TRTEGDO147B6E4E95A"}...
-is this track a single song or a album with list of song? (cause when i attach the id to the play.spotify.com that becomes play.spotify.com/track/4lEJYHkieQi5LfyFrN5bel it doesnt work, i dont know why? but when i attached to album it works play.spotify.com/album/3jMQ6qZZASytoRwVBSRou9)
-Does echonest only return ID or Video or url? or after get ID(track, artist, album) we have to access to other APIs like 7digital, spotify to retrieve the desired song.
-Thks a lots!
Can i search for a single song instead of tracks or album or playlist on echonest