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Track misidentified


Thank you four your help.

This is interesting. When I upload the file I got directly from the Mama Viol site I get the reply

{"response": {"status": {"version": "4.2", "code": 0, "message": "Success"}, "track": {"status": "pending", "song_id": "SONFXHO13E93FA08D5", "title": "För dina blåa ögons skull", "artist": "Mama Viol", "id": "TRVIGSB142C315A0CD", "analyzer_version": "3.2.2", "release": "För dina röda ögons skull", "artist_id": "AR32MWS11C8A415150", "bitrate": 192, "audio_md5": "6435aea601e260a800c9369be83cd4ee", "samplerate": 44100, "md5": "c27ef2351bc85ad5a882c1920744157a"}}}

So it's like it should be.

For a fresh download of Wolf Heath I get

{"response": {"status": {"version": "4.2", "code": 0, "message": "Success"}, "track": {"status": "pending", "artist": "Egil the Eagle", "title": "Wolf Heath", "analyzer_version": "3.2.2", "release": "", "audio_md5": "75cac7d928e729b5948374c0f3e63f70", "bitrate": 128, "id": "TRVPVAN142C2CDB21E", "samplerate": 44100, "md5": "da2a99e9193a6cf0d7f227700ae728e1"}}}

Also like I would expect.

But if I instead do it with the track I tagged using MusicBrainz Picard I get:

{"response": {"status": {"version": "4.2", "code": 0, "message": "Success"}, "track": {"status": "pending", "song_id": "SOLRBXA13E3300611D", "title": "Oh Shit (Crazy Pills)", "artist": "Abstract Mind", "id": "TRJBZRN142A32FF3A7", "analyzer_version": "3.2.2", "release": "Buttoned Up - EP", "audio_md5": "75cac7d928e729b5948374c0f3e63f70", "bitrate": 128, "artist_id": "ARCJNKY13B864F295F", "samplerate": 44100, "md5": "8a7b5ad37b11958d7e9bc5f4644418f9"}}}

I tried to tag my freshly downloaded mp3 with Picard and it produced the correct result. Notice that the audio md5 in both cases is 75cac7d928e729b5948374c0f3e63f70.

For my old version of the Mama Viol track I got

{"response": {"status": {"version": "4.2", "code": 0, "message": "Success"}, "track": {"status": "pending", "song_id": "SOBKFSB13EA9DE5C07", "title": "Whitebird", "artist": "Roy-Erik Andersen", "id": "TRPTFIQ1424789DA6F", "analyzer_version": "3.2.2", "release": "Whitebird - Single", "artist_id": "ARSPTTL13194EF3B10", "bitrate": 192, "audio_md5": "ec8a6ffa4976f055cdb47358bfb41f73", "samplerate": 44100, "md5": "0299e3f93bdc56b35fa058adda13f6ae"}}} But when I tried the fresh download tagged with Picard it works as it should. Here the audio md5 is different. Perhaps because one was downloaded and one was ripped from the CD.

This is very strange. I have listened to the tracks several times and I can verify that they contain what it says. So there must be something odd with my files that causes problem for the fingerprinter. Let me know if you want to have the files for analysis.

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