Ok. I finally got passed the ImportError after installing SQL Server 2012 R2 (which is powered by Visual Studio). I'm assuming the proper C++ runtime got installed during this process.
However, I did get another error when running capsule.py. Below is the error message. I hope you can help!
c:Python27echo-nest-remix-examplescapsule>python capsule.py "c:He Won't Go.m p3""c:Don't You Remember.mp3" c:capsule.mp3 -e -v
en-ffmpeg -i "c:He Won't Go.mp3" -y -ac 2 -ar 44100 "c:usersadmini~1appdata localtemp2tmprwpeuv.wav"
Computed MD5 of file is e5c4c37d76da8d2405d5f5cefdce20e9
Probing for existing analysis
en-ffmpeg -i "c:Don't You Remember.mp3" -y -ac 2 -ar 44100 "c:usersadmini~1a ppdatalocaltemp2tmpbiw22x.wav"
Computed MD5 of file is b99efee40b2360b56fce01ce9fa1b0c1
Probing for existing analysis
en-ffmpeg -i "c:capsule.mp3" -y -ac 2 -ar 44100 "c:usersadmini~1appdataloca ltemp2tmpwu3bu3.wav"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "capsule.py", line 111, in
File "C:Python27libsite-packagesechonestremixaudio.py", line 928, in i nit sampleRate=sampleRate, numChannels=numChannels)
File "C:Python27libsite-packagesechonestremixaudio.py", line 392, in i nit self.load() File "C:Python27libsite-packagesechonestremixaudio.py", line 413, in loa d w = wave.open(file_to_read, 'r')
File "C:Python27libwave.py", line 498, in open return Wave_read(f)
File "C:Python27libwave.py", line 163, in init self.initfp(f)
File "C:Python27libwave.py", line 128, in initfp self._file = Chunk(file, bigendian = 0)
File "C:Python27libchunk.py", line 63, in init raise EOFError