numpy is up to date. tried a couple of other examples and all say believe they have succeeded, but the file does not seem to exist anywhere. here's output from add_blips:
macbookpro1:add_blips theuser$ python DrumnBangStereoMix.mp3 DrumnBangStereoMix_blips.mp3 beats bars
blipping beats.
blipping bars.
en-ffmpeg -i "DrumnBangStereoMix.mp3" -y -ac 2 -ar 44100 "/var/folders/X2/X2KGhecyG0aQhzRDohJqtU+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpaBIve9.wav"
Computed MD5 of file is ab3cf10d3c06eff8cf8ff87d9b04e9bb
Probing for existing analysis
en-ffmpeg -i "/usr/local/share/echo-nest-remix-examples/add_blips/sounds/blip_low.wav" -y -ac 2 -ar 44100 "/var/folders/X2/X2KGhecyG0aQhzRDohJqtU+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpSP2rlP.wav"
en-ffmpeg -i "/usr/local/share/echo-nest-remix-examples/add_blips/sounds/blip_med.wav" -y -ac 2 -ar 44100 "/var/folders/X2/X2KGhecyG0aQhzRDohJqtU+++TI/-Tmp-/tmppIGlGS.wav"
en-ffmpeg -i "/usr/local/share/echo-nest-remix-examples/add_blips/sounds/blip_high.wav" -y -ac 2 -ar 44100 "/var/folders/X2/X2KGhecyG0aQhzRDohJqtU+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpFssU0_.wav"
going to add blips...
match! beat start time: 0.64147
match! bar start time: 0.64147
match! beat start time: 0.98404 (removed for legibility)
match! beat start time: 231.06791
blips added, going to encode DrumnBangStereoMix_blips.mp3 ...
en-ffmpeg -i "/var/folders/X2/X2KGhecyG0aQhzRDohJqtU+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpXhRRVw.wav" -y -ab 128k -ac 2 -ar 44100 "DrumnBangStereoMix_blips.mp3"
Deleting: /var/folders/X2/X2KGhecyG0aQhzRDohJqtU+++TI/-Tmp-/tmpXhRRVw.wav
Finito, Benito!