Hello there! I'm a newbie trying to develop an app that identify a song from a file, and I'm using cURL to test the API. This is what i'm doing:
curl -w "@curl-format.txt" -F "api_key=apikey" -F "filetype=mp3" -F "track=@la-woman.mp3""http://developer.echonest.com/api/v4/track/upload"
And it actually respond properly, but take really long to do it. This is my output:
{"response": {"status": {"version": "4.2", "code": 0, "message": "Success"}, "track": {"status": "pending", "song_id": "SODWRES1478C681A72", "title": "L.A. Woman", "artist": "The Doors", "id": "TRQGVEJ13D09AADBC1", "analyzer_version": "3.2.2", "release": "Perception [40th Anniversary Box] [w/bonus tracks]", "audio_md5": "73d3fa49c8981828b439e1cd290967d5", "bitrate": 128, "artist_id": "ARUGU0E1187B9B30F6", "samplerate": 44100, "md5": "9f13f6ffcbef3f369a1cee6a2184dfa0"}}}
time namelookup: 0.012
time connect: 0.083
time appconnect: 0.000
time pretransfer: 0.083
time redirect: 0.000
time starttransfer: 0.162
time_total: 441.857
As you can see, it took about 442 seconds to return the response!
Would someone please can help me explaining what's going ? I wish I could reduce the response time.