I don't know much about PyCharm, but from a quick google it does appear the env variables (including PATH) are not carried over. This FAQ might help: http://devnet.jetbrains.com/docs/DOC-1160
Setting up Remix: en-ffmpeg not found
Setting up Remix: en-ffmpeg not found
That would explain it.
When I print out PATH in my python console, it does not include /usr/local/bin.
Thanks for the help!
Era-specific playlist
It seems impossible to generate an era-specific playlist. For instance, a request incorporating "description=70s" returns a list which includes artist_name: "The Rolling Stones" with title: "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction". Obviously the Stones were active in the 70s but "Satisfaction" is from the previous decade.
This is not an isolated instance. Requests for other decades yield similar anomalies.
Is it not possible to confine titles to the era requested? I realise it's complicated; but can't titles be derived from dated releases by the given artist?
trying to build basic playlist with spotify using example
When you search for an artist it just says "creating the playlist..."
What am i doing wrong? Thank you for reading
spotify player + spotify pop up in new window?
I like how you can integrate the spotify player on a website but is there a way to stop it from popping up and being forced to run in the background?
Help Needed with the API
Hi Paul! Thanks for your answer.It was really helpful. I was able to do the installation and run the API successfully. However, I still had one query, which is that could I simply extract the danceability of the song, or any other feature individually, rather than to have to get the entire audio summary and then extract the features from them?
Help Needed with the API
Actually, you can ignore my previous message. I saw the examples in the documentation and figured that out. However, I tried running it over several ids as once( I put the ids in an array, and even tried taking input from the user), but an error occurs which I am not able to handle. Here's the code I am using
import sys
from pyechonest import config
from pyechonest import song
#inputfile = open("C:\MSD\data\songids.txt","r")
for i in range (len(song_ids)):
s = song.Song(song_ids[i])
print s.audio_summary['tempo']
And I get the following error, which I am not able to interpret, .
Could someone please help me with his? If their is an alternative to it via track methods, please let me know since I tried that as well but failed.
Thank You,
Where to get premium API?
I want the API used on neverendingplaylist.com Is there a premium or paid list?
clarification to implement API and fetching data
So I can use echonest platform and use Rdio music to play full songs Kinda like this site http://www.musicmaze.fm is this correct
Thanks Teddy
cAction import error module not found
I am experiencing an error when running capsule.py on a VM. The error is
cAction import error module not found
I don't get this error on my development environment, only on my production VM. The production VM OS is Windows 2008 R2 Standard 32 bit.
Here are my install steps:
- Installed Python 27 for windows
- Installed SetupTools because I was getting errors saying pkg_resources module was not found.
- Installed NumPY module.
- Installed Echonest Remix for Windows (remix-2.2.0.win32-py2.7.exe)
I'm not sure why I'm getting this error. Please help!
cAction import error module not found
We'll take a look. Could you post exactly what you're running, and the exact error message / stack trace that you get?
Many thanks!
cAction import error module not found
Just read back in my email history: I recall that you had problems getting permissions to install Remix on your production machine, and that you just copied the Python files over, yes?
If that's the case, you can't access the C extensions (cAction, soundtouch, and dirac) because they're not installed - you'll need to run the installer on your production environment to install them.
Best, Thor
cAction import error module not found
Hi Thor,
I now have a dedicated Virtual Machine with full access. I ran the installer (remix-2.2.0.win32-py2.7.exe) on my Windows 2008 OS. Is there a way to ensure that the remix installer installed the C extensions? Is there a way I can send you the output from the installation process? Maybe an error occurred.
Thanks, Bobby
cAction import error module not found
A quick test to see if the C extensions are installed: open up a Python shell and try:
import dirac
import soundtouch
import cAction
If any of those trigger an ImportError, then they are not installed.
I don't know how to get error output from a Windows installer, alas. I'll do some install tests and get back to you soon.
cAction import error module not found
All those commands triggered an ImportError on my VM. It must be something related to the VM I am installing on because I am able to run capsule.py successfully on my local dev environment.
cAction import error module not found
Update: I got Remix installed on my Windows 7 machine. I am not au fait with the differences between Win7 and Server 2008, but it's possible that the differences are large enough that things won't work.
On your server, in Python27Libsite-packages, do you have cAction.pyd, dirac.pyd, and soundtouch.pyd?
And, can you run any examples at all on your server?
Best, Thor
Conflicting Search Results
Hey guys I just started using pyechonest. I have looked around the tutorials briefly and can't seem to find a solution to this. If there is a tutorial or post that covers it please point me to it.
When I do a search for songs by a particular artist for example "Elvis" results for both Presley and Costello appear. Please don't suggest adding the last name to the search because that does not always solve the problem when the conflicting artists are one word.
cAction import error module not found
Yes, I see all three .pyd files.
I tried running other examples and they all fail. Here is the error from the afbomb example (other examples failed with a similar error message regarding 'get_analysis not found'):
c:Python27echo-nest-remix-examplesafromb>python afromb.py "c:He Won_t Go.mp3
""c:Don_t You Remember.mp3" c:he_wont_remember.mp3 0.9 env
en-ffmpeg -i "c:He Won_t Go.mp3" -y -ac 2 -ar 44100 "c:usersadmini~1appdata
Computed MD5 of file is e5c4c37d76da8d2405d5f5cefdce20e9
Probing for existing analysis
Analysis not found. Uploading...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "afromb.py", line 174, in
cAction import error module not found
Output from running capsule.py
c:Python27echo-nest-remix-examplescapsule>python capsule.py "c:He Won't Go.m p3""c:Don't You Remember.mp3" c:capsule.mp3 -e -v
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "capsule.py", line 16, in
from cAction import limit, crossfade, fadein, fadeout
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
Song tempo accuracy?
I'm curious about how tempo is actually derived from the inter-beat interval (IBI) series (presumably based on the beats_start vector). The simplest method, of course, would just be the mean or median of the difference of all IBIs ... but my guess is that Echo Nest uses something a bit more elegant.
Any insights are welcome - Cheers.