I am a housewife but as the person in charged of the house it would still be best for me to have our wiring maintained for the safety of my family that is why I am selecting an Atlanta GA electrician.
works with track/upload but not with song/identify
Hi, I've captured 30 seconds of a music using ffmpeg in wav format.
My problem is that the music is recognized by using track/upload with this command :
curl -F "api_key=XXX" -F "filetype=wav" -F "track=@sound.wav""http://developer.echonest.com/api/v4/track/upload"> info.txt
info.txt contains :
{"response": {"status": {"version": "4.2", "code": 0, "message": "Success"}, "track": {"status": "pending", "song_id": "SOBFMHC12A6D4F9401", "audio_md5": null, "artist": "Daft Punk", "title": "High Life", "analyzer_version": "3.2.2", "release": "Discovery", "artist_id": "ARF8HTQ1187B9AE693", "bitrate": 1411, "id": "TRVPIUV144F9F9EFB1", "samplerate": 44100, "md5": "e00957509a255c5096551d3a09591caa"}}}
but when I used ENMFP_codegen using that command :
test sound.wav > code.txt
and then used song/identify using that command :
curl -F "api_key=XXX" -F "query=@json_string.json""http://developer.echonest.com/api/v4/song/identify"> info.txt
with json_string.json :
"metadata": {
"code": "eJyVlwmSZCsIRbeUiONyHPe_hH-uma-ix9_dFVH4REC4IJqv1_0LHRIjJGvaJkT_r8WC2Ya4SELEsr4qgtZEhngTXnh1EX3JXnAshIhIyIiEKl7TV6-QGSBbwgfiKL6c_5f7JQh7Qs61mxcReeUDe74lfC5hGg2jMVyCXMzIxaaAOlbiZprkVZKIInilhFrKmE8FK6lqoUlE8aYtkTMFBp_ZEM6OSI6s5qSFLF7BQK4SGSLCIC_JHQwURVQESQnIlSRe0lT-FeFXhEGZWt2oFQVThEYV2DWzWrVHHSLKhzZ7Vck1U56chRaRa4qrZcw3wdTGzaK-Fipto9FfiPQAr0fUusx3wSSUIFrVHl0Y9IPI0B5DSRnK5RBqQxkcTatK_JjiKfIprKZSOAXTVIBT5qd8mZJbQmMpC0sBLsG-BPtSgEvQrYPINqZbiO8ioi13R26rXo42OgF7R5EfwXkqGqdrqmjORONQJUZlQjBlZBlSLtkQ_DPggOCf4TRkiXfVgNjMVPsUv1nEimURqVnTF4CZTX3t_rIAuqbiN8Vncs9C0QJYmVC3sLR6kHPQMpdXnkSocfPGvt61MPQlo04RUtxsGYO-QNciybNINVnMWgAhUz4tNjRU8nirBe0WOSSWhEFyEWGQFEeSmkre0kAjLU03q1lBZxdR0Kp2y1kL8i-TBXDQlCqxoqALsZryZCpvK4q8FNTKEKE2rBzxFEzlVFgNaiCOWqXnWFUwVVjVJp7yUZWPSrqtCdPGEbIm4aY9mgBrnAhrykIbWlXeusx3xatCt875MBW6qeVYVyq6IO7KdFeSVeM2ZH4oH0NBD1kegnMov2NhYCgfQ3BO5WOylc2gadSXUjGrpgphqkBU8vRFjE6K2pbiWGTTZx-pzM54Ql-JpnrCYJ5zIkud-Wqc5_AKzGWYvDD3sV6AFBj3ibbvWHAutzv6bq0zUhenZ9JVZsLtJv6B6a3CL5OC3xkmvSWG06oRPt4NJxmktsgeZT_e9mr8sgf2ssfJrDlFmfC6rV27cfuPduFfu-jRfq7dmgt82c3W_tUu8b79TXGfhL8XLyUnPHjV1_jg9cbpjVerX3hlFz7M8QN_koSuPynWxx_8eHDzuj64_U981y5M8Hvsbnvs_gI_8vLE2U74xPk_ecHfJy8pPHn5xl_0H393fvKMH_-K2x3vAfoeP7Z846f6OO96-1V9IP_lx0mPH-D9m7iwc-N6x8NB_BNOY12csAPON65g8of6OvGprw_u39TXn_L5Ez71Cx-q8MGn_ozP7BefsNIJFXx-ONeXP-78O_4d4X-tc0N-1rk-Hz2u0t_x_2Tvsx6svvuL75rl7PR4On138cQCJa6iE-d0XyWOszSetAItLpx0VrlxDkZeT4qTtxwXiu1Ad2xiAiPPtojFwBbzXlSTPScowuQCHv5-DvnpkxZU6adnM6YA00A7MAmtkTWusOk9p30YnTu_cYkAAaHvkhYj-RxtlSJ96_uOQfW-wrWD3ontjuy97pL08SNxnziXqx9KTudp148fYvb91u-vzeumqt9XmCGvfPSU8dFG4jBIYOelRzAC41VG4uZS37a9YG7OUy1c3sGr-pBzLdUdbA_0wG96IZM8pcBm7UF8R0zGtI6YPa0bX56hfeIcr_7E-Tu8VMIfvKhr8KoLe1v13z09eNX1k53XeexQEw_ur8PVeXHDn1zrxR1_evjRnwd3J5cXdypM2IFbEPPiJvxaurj5nkG3GLidIaYXXIEJNGuW8cbLi-rsgxd15uPGN6mzv4zv8Qvc335ZK516UAsCr_G2oyfF3-HEO-HBKevKvf6sfv7VH3rIg1PY_sEJJvtcnDzRLcEJfJau9Dc-qQdePMKHvtQy-IQVt_XU3dNIMDnfc_G7w3mmnuEp0CFi4oHN-SObPFRN54_637lG6n7MeFrndZo4hL7Jc1tpTL2bQi8pdMuVHy7I9ZpQrjnTSOw_R2eWHw=="
I receive this in info.txt :
{"response": {"status": {"version": "4.2", "code": 0, "message": "Success"}, "songs": []}}
I am a model in Newyork and I see to it that I have a perfect body in every photoshoot. That's why I have contact with plastic surgeons in New York.
Track.get_analysis() failure
I didn't upload the song, I got the ID from the track_from_id() example at: http://echonest.github.io/pyechonest/track.html.
I also tried with a number of ID's I got from the following query:
songs = song.search(style='rock',
max _tempo=150,
min _tempo=30,
song _ids = [a _song.id for a _song in songs]
and got the same results.
Getting history of hotttnesss
Is there a way to access the history on the variations of the attribute hotttnesss (for the artist or the song) or is it only an attribute that changes everyday ?
Getting history of hotttnesss
Mikael - we currently don't make this information available in our API. -- Paul
I am a housewife and I always see to it that our plumbing is in good condition. That is why I always have contact with affordable plumbing.
dl2z1's post
I like this
Track.get_analysis() failure
Ah, that fixed the problem. Thank you for your help.
Can we safely assume 99% of songs have audio summary?
Specifically, using http://developer.echonest.com/docs/v4/song.html#profile with a echonest song id and audio_summary bucket, can I assume there will be a valid audio_summary response for 99% of my queries? If not 99%, then what is a more reasonable estimate?
Can we safely assume 99% of songs have audio summary?
If you have a song id then it will be a very rare to for the song/profile to not have an audio_summary. You will see much greater than 99% coverage. -- Paul
Spotify track - missing summary
Well, the ones above in the thread for instance, but also all the tracks on the Netherlands Spotify Top List, like: - spotify-WW:track:5b88tNINg4Q4nrRbrCXUmg (id = TRPEOEL144AC6E2E7E) - spotify-WW:track:0zkiQH567SDLqfWNBaU3hv (id = TRSHSQE144AC636B06) - spotify-WW:track:3U4isOIWM3VvDubwSI3y7a (id = TRADPRG140CF2B5DA5)
Pyechonest behind proxy
Does anybody know if the python implementation of the Echo Nest API can be used from behind a proxy? I keep getting socket error 10054, which probably means the connection is being shut down. I tried turning off the firewall, but it seems that wasn't the problem.
Any suggestions?
Spotify track - missing summary
Hey all - We haven't analyzed every track in the spotify catalog (yet), but we have matched most of them up to songs. This will allow you to get the audio_summary for a given spotify ID even if we don't have the analysis for it yet by returning the audio_summary of a matching song.
You can get the audio summary for the song associated with the track with the following query:
Hope this helps
Strategies to get audio_summary for an artist
I am brainstorming strategies to generate an audio_summary for an artist.
The summary will be a function of the individual audio_summaries of each of that artist's songs. The song's audio_summary should be weighted by that song's popularity.
Out of curiosity, has anyone built something similar, and if so, what did your function look like? Would love to hear some ideas, and am open to collaborating offline if you are also building something like this.
I think this could be a useful feature to add to EchoNest in general.
Spotify track - missing summary
Getting the song/profile works fine; thanks!
Static playlist request times out
Happening numerous times today. URL is something like this: https://developer.echonest.com/api/v4/playlist/static?api_key=MyAPIkey&format=json&results=100&type=genre-radio&max_duration=1200&min_danceability=0.8&min_energy=0.55&genre=pop&artist_min_familiarity=0.6&variety=1&adventurousness=0
Getting this response: {"response": {"status": {"version": "4.2", "code": -1, "message": "The operation timed out"}}}
Static playlist request times out
I have the same error now with the song/search.
[Error: Error: Bad status code from server: 500: {"status":{"version":"4.2","code":-1,"message":"The operation timed out"}}] { status: { version: '4.2', code: -1, message: 'The operation timed out' } }.
It worked 2 hours ago.
What's happened ?
Echonest is down !
curl -i 'http://developer.echonest.com/api/v4/artist/profile?api_key=MYKEY&name=weezer'
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 12:46:09 GMT Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 94 X-Request-Id: DW/h8LbFSESAYVT4fIl+CQ X-Ratelimit-Remaining: 19 Server: TornadoServer/3.1 X-Ratelimit-Limit: 20 X-Api-Key: LG9LT6MZQJCLRMFVS Cache-Control: max-age=86400 Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * X-Ratelimit-Used: 1 Connection: Keep-alive Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100 Via: 1.1 ID-0000627501223746 uproxy-2
{"response": {"status": {"version": "4.2", "code": -1, "message": "The operation timed out"}}}
Echonest is down !
We are taking a look now. -- Paul