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Capsule.py limits memory usage to 1 GB


Fixed it....http://weerapurage.org/posts/2012/Dec/07/install-fabric-on-windows/

What do 'acousticness' and 'valence' mean in 'audio_summary' ?


Hi plamere,

are there plans for Echonest to provide mood tags toward the song in "audio_summary" ?

i am into Mood tagging of song.


Mood tagging: are all songs included?


On the song/search API I can pass a mood -- happy, sad, haunting. Are all songs tagged? That is: if I search with mood=haunting (or I really want haunting songs and search with mood=^haunting), will some songs be excluded even though they are haunting because they just haven't been tagged as haunting? Obviously you'll never be able to tag the whole entire database, but is most of it tagged? Most of it not?

Install Python Modules on Windows Hosting Server



This did not work. You need to install the remix module. I believe it registers some C extensions and such with the OS. I had to get a dedicated VM so that I have root access to install the module.

What do 'acousticness' and 'valence' mean in 'audio_summary' ?


Kohdesmond - we will continue to add audio attributes to the audio summary over time. These will be attributes that can be derived from audio. Some may be mood based. -- Paul

Mood tagging: are all songs included?


aquarius - our descriptions are at the artist level not the song level, so when you search with mood=haunting, you will be finding songs by artists that are frequently described as haunting, Not all songs by 'haunting' artists 'haunting' of course. -- Paul

Search by genre


Hey guys, We're trying to make searches by non-specific genres. I'll explain better with this example.

  1. I'm searching for Pop in all countries.
  2. When I get to Spain, I get 0 results.
  3. Investigating, I find that Pop in Spain is labelled 'Spanish Pop'.

¿Is there any way to overcome this problem? Search by genres that contain the word pop or something like that...

Mood tagging: are all songs included?

Playlist API methods now return artist foreign IDs


Hey all:

We've made a minor update to our Playlist API. Now when you request a foreign id bucket in a playlist call, the artist foreign ids will be returned in addition to the song/track foreign IDs. For example if you make a call like:


The returned song block will look like:

"songs": [
    "title": "Rainbow Connection (feat. Hayley Williams)",
    "artist_name": "Weezer",
    "artist_foreign_ids": [
            "catalog": "rdio-US",
            "foreign_id": "rdio-US:artist:r139688"

   "tracks": [
        "foreign_release_id": "rdio-US:release:a937189",
        "catalog": "rdio-US",
        "foreign_id": "rdio-US:track:t10934395",
        "id": "TRTUXCJ136B49B20EF"

"artist_id": "AR633SY1187B9AC3B9",
"id": "SOSVPWC1338A5D27C3"


Separate tracks from set of mixed tracks in Javascript?

  1. Is it possible to separate and identify tracks in a mixed set? If so, what are the steps? I would like to be able to point to a 3rd party URL but can upload entire files.
  2. Is there a Javascript example?

Separate tracks from set of mixed tracks in Javascript?



We don't offer an API that does that at the moment, sorry. There are two things you could try though:

  • To identify tracks, chop up the DJ set into ~20 second chunks. Send those chunks to one of our fingerprinters, and then parse the results. You'll get lots of entries for Track 1, then some weirdness where the mix happens, then lots of entries for Track 2, and so on.

  • Alternatively, you could use the Python version of Echo Nest Remix, analyze the DJ set, segment it by section, and then fingerprint those sections. You may want to do it in smaller (5 to 15 minute?) chunks though, rather than analyzing the entire DJ set at once.

Best, Thor

Having problems using getpieces()


What's dirac? Where can I get it from? easy_install gave nothing, google is similarly unhelpful. Thanks for taking time to answer!

Having problems using getpieces()


Hi sig,

dirac is a C extension to Remix that should have been installed when you installed Remix - how are you installing it?

Codegen library for ARM


Specifically, RaspberryPi. I've moved the rest of my project (multicast of tracks as raw audio) over to the Pi and adding ENMFP support is the final step.

Codegen library for ARM


Not for ENMFP. Echoprint should be theoretically portable to a Raspberry Pi, but keep in mind that it has no audio input.


What do 'acousticness' and 'valence' mean in 'audio_summary' ?


Thanks for the reply Plamere

While i need to create an app to know the song's mood, i referred from here http://developer.echonest.com/raw_tutorials/faqs/faq_03.html both correctly identify the songs but with a major different on the Energy and Valence

Identifying an MP3 file by its metadata


energy = "0.2688581137037661"; valence = "0.6505042994560134"; likely mood: Aggressive

Identifying an MP3 file via uploading


energy = "0.4148946356963514"; valence = "0.9282548578533839";

likely mood: Stressed

How do i know which analysis are correct ?

thanks for reading :)

What do 'acousticness' and 'valence' mean in 'audio_summary' ?


Hi Kohdesmond

There are a number of things that, compounded, are leading to different results.

(1) The song you uploaded looks to be only 30.079 seconds long (as reported in the audio summary of the track profile call). So it looks like you've only uploaded a 30 second sample, whereas the full track is three minutes long. The audio summary of a 30 sec. snippet of a song will always be different than the summary for the full song. The energy and valence could be different depending on which 30 seconds was analyzed. In this song, for instance, the break at 2 minutes has a very different acoustic profile than the beginning or end. Also our analysis will naturally give more accurate data when you give it more input data, so the results from the full song will always be better than results generated by analyzing a 30 second snippet.

(2) The two songs might actually be different versions of the same song. There are many remixes, acoustic versions and such for the Jackson 5 classic. It is quite possible that you are seeing results from different versions of the song and thus will get different results.

(3) The songs have been analyzed with a different version of the analyzer. Over time, we make updates and improvements to the analyzer, so you may see values for parameters like the energy and valence change when we make an update. The detailed analyzer data shows the version used, if they are different, that would explain why some results may be different.

If you want the most accurate results for an MP3 and you have the audio, then the best approach is to analyze the whole track, not just a 30 second sample. Of course, that takes a lot of time and bandwidth, especially if you are working with lots of songs. For many apps, getting the summary based on a metadata match is quite adequate.

Hope this helps


ImportError: No module named remix.action



I suspect that Andreas' fork is from before we re-organized the source paths to be "echonest.remix.action" and not just "echonest.action".

Have you tried running the capsule.py example from Andreas' fork? That, as I see it on github, should use the correct paths.

Best, Thor

ImportError: No module named remix.action


Hi, I haven't touched that fork in a long time. I just downloaded it and was able to run capsule.py from the examples. In the pyechonest subdirectory I did git reset --hard 4a3083b before running python setup.py install from the remix directory. To troubleshoot, try running capsule.py with the -v flag.

My hunch is that it would probably be quite difficult to get this fork working in the general case, I only ever used it for capsule.

Sorry if that's not very helpful :/

Thanks, Andreas

Get analyzer info from not known song


Thanks! (sorry for my late reply, summer holiday slowed work down).

Is it true that it might take several hours for it to be complete?

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