I'm creating an taste profile and updates it with track_id = spotify-WW:track:1XSNeHpiFie7bv5vL2E2ee (for example).
When I later wants to make a taste profile read to get the audio summary things get messy.
For some songs I get the audio summary for a different track, like in this case San Cisco - Beach and not Boy and Bear Beach.
"artist_id" = ARYUOHX131529ED7A2;
"artist_name" = "San Cisco";
"audio_summary" = {
acousticness = "0.639028";
"analysis_url" = "http://echonest-analysis.s3.amazonaws.com/TR/Wr5HbQVTse-oWPq3hRc5PQQYokzgVmcunid7LsUMETL8rHtygaZXPuZwAYLYc8rnsYiw_5o1yBEX4sYHs%3D/3/full.json?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJRDFEY23UEVW42BQ&Expires=1403526879&Signature=UYKGdcVKI2tvQUX3Uig6YXCYIzc%3D";
"audio_md5" = 8bc3a34cec720dfc80fea8c27935b6c8;
danceability = "0.441795";
duration = "220.96063";
energy = "0.627918";
key = 9;
liveness = "0.114956";
loudness = "-7.19";
mode = 1;
speechiness = "0.036524";
tempo = "184.962";
"time_signature" = 4;
valence = "0.264683";
"date_added" = "2014-06-04T13:20:18";
favorite = 1;
"foreign_id" = "CAHMGGP1464CAF6B18:song:spotify-WW:track:1XSNeHpiFie7bv5vL2E2ee";
id = SOGUVHV13B1F7871ED;
"last_modified" = "2014-06-04T13:20:18";
request = {
"item_id" = "spotify-WW:track:1XSNeHpiFie7bv5vL2E2ee";
"song_name" = Beach;
"song_id" = SOGUVHV13B1F7871ED;
"song_name" = Beach;
Whats seems to be wrong? Is it a bug?