Bug in a certain song?
That song no longer appears to have tracks in 7digital-US. Track rights change all the time and our catalog refreshes to reflect that.David
View ArticleAnalysis not found
GipsyWolf,I see TRAQONU1451D8D7F8A as created for that MD5 (afd09da8b0aeda6557dce2a3e1cb20ba), so I'm not sure why the analysis was not created. Is this still happening with the latest version of...
View ArticleTasteProfile problem updating (adding) songs
Ok, so it turns out this was all a problem with caching iOS does with url requests. I created a pull request for enios on github that fixes the issue.
View ArticleIs there a way to get a list of EN song dataset
Hi plamere,Thanks for the reply. would there be some sample dumps available for seeding ?des
View ArticleNo song data
Also: I've edited your question to remove your API key, so it doesn't get stolen and abused.
View ArticleNo song data
The is I am using is the SO.... is as returned by the first request.Did you mean the other way around? The song search only returns a SO... type number I think..
View ArticleNo song data
Right, that's my point. Since the entity in question is a song (not a track), you need to call song/profile rather than...
View ArticleNo song data
I see it now, sorry - I need to change the word "track" to "song" in the second request. I have the ID the right way - not the request.. Thanks!
View ArticleArtist confusion on playlist generation
Echonest is confusing the band "timeflies" with the rock band "time flies" as seen in the request below. The requested artist id points to timeflies, but many of the results are either from the rock...
View ArticleServer Error Uploading MP3
Tried to upload two different songs, both times received an error page saying "Server Error - There was an error processing your request."EchoNest has worked for us before, but is not today. We just...
View ArticleProfile read with Spotify ids
Hi,I'm creating an taste profile and updates it with track_id = spotify-WW:track:1XSNeHpiFie7bv5vL2E2ee (for example).When I later wants to make a taste profile read to get the audio summary things get...
View ArticleProfile read with Spotify ids
Runbeat - the spotify-WW ID space has been deprecated. You should use the new, spiffy and higher quality 'spotify' id space. As you can see with this...
View Articletatum / segment relationship
To render say, just the last hit of a track,audiofile = audio.LocalAudioFile(input_filename) audiofile.analysis.tatums[-1] returns the final tatum, but trailing tail is cut...
View Articletatum / segment relationship
Tatums and segments are independent features that only relate to each other on a perceptual level. It is normal they don't align exactly. As a result, tatums might stop before the end of the track,...
View Articletatum / segment relationship
Thanks Tristan. Pardon my PyInexperience, but when I tried to reassign audiofile.analysis.segments[-1].end, it returned an AttributeError: can't set attribute.Here's the code tat displays my ignorance,...
View Articlehow to generate codegen.exe?
Hi friends i have just started compiling codegen window using the readme given in the file. following the youtube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmYfPea4ELU i have managed to generate the 2 DLL...
View ArticleUpdating Taste Profile Problem
Hey guys, just having another problem updating the taste profile, specifically in regards to the Rdio buckets. The read profile works. However any song added to the taste profile after ID of 30,000...
View ArticleUpdating Taste Profile Problem
Does anyone have any ideas? It makes no sense. I've figured out how to make it simpler to understand. If you look at the following URL, you can see where the tracks stop outputting. At a track 'start'...
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